Keeping the Wii Blue Light On, Is it possible?
Currently people everywhere are asking: “Is there a way to keep the blue light on?” While there is no official way to keep the blue-light on, there is a simple trick that you can use to keep your Wii shinin’ bright. You need to be connected to the internet for this trick to work.
If you do not have a confirmed email account to correspond with your Wii..
- Open the Wii Message Board
- Add a new contact with your personal email address
- Fire off a message to the new contact
- Reply to the email you receive from your Wii
The trick now is to NOT open the email on your Wii Message Board. Now, provided you don’t open the mail, the Blue Wii LED will stay lit! Enjoy BDC!
Personally I was very disappointed when I hooked up my Wii but with this simple trick it is as easy as sending a message and leaving it there forever.
Well, I've made my Wii Blue light on Forever by taking off the Front Faceplate, cut the black wire at the solder point, and solder a 30awg wire from that solder point to the ground copper point on the wii motherboard, next to the front panel plug. This works ultimately. And if you want to turn it off, you have to power off the Wii manually.
1:54 PM
Good post.
5:50 PM
My Wii's blue light turns on by itself. What is up with that?
5:58 PM
I mean, in the early morning the light on the media slot will pulsate light like it is trying to communicate with something. Is my Wii freaking out?!?!?
2:16 PM
It is remarkable, rather useful message
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