New leaked Wii ad reveals release date?

If this ad is to be believed, the Wii will launch somewhere on October 21st. While the region and price are uncertain, the ad does clearly name a late October release. Please remember that the this is no way a final ad, nor is it even confirmed to be from Nintendo.
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As long as the Wii releases be4 PS3, its fine. Ive heard that Wii's release was going to be Oct 21st in Japan and it would release in America 10 days later. I also hear it was launching on Nov 6. There are so many rumors now, its hard to tell whats relible.
5:34 PM
wait how does that pic show the release date. well thats great then beacuse october 21 is two day before my firstday! still i hope the system is ready for an earlier than expected launch
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