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Nintendo gaming. Today, tomorrow, and into the future.

The Tetris Story

Thursday, October 26, 2006
Everyone might not know much about the history of Tetris, but it is fascinating. This is a video documentary done very well by BBC. I hope everyone will watch at least SOME of this, it truly is amazing.

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VIDEO: Sony Commercial On Why More Power is a Good Thing

This is a very cool commercial aabout the PS3's unique features. Now I know that this isn't Nintendo news, but Nintendo and Sony aren't REALLY rivals, so check this out. It really is amazing. After that, be sure to check out the second one on youtube also!

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IGN's Wii Launch Guide!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
All the facts that you need to be ready for the Wii's release. Most of you guys will already know about everything in this little compilation, but it sure beats explaining it all to people all the time that haven't heard of the Wii.

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Target'a Cool Wii Gift Cards!

Monday, October 23, 2006
It seems that Target is doing something unique for the Wii. It will have very cool giftcards, check them out! I kind of want one.

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Know The Competition!

You've heard a lot of the bad of the PS3, and I mean A LOT, but there is some good. (believe it or not!)
This is a list that lets you know a little bit more about this cool system. The PS3 is targeted to a totally different audience than the Wii, as you can see. But the focus is the same, fun.

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Legend of Zelda: Wii

Sunday, October 22, 2006
A stunningly well-done video of characters from Wind Waker that find a special remote, also it is pretty funny. Must see!

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Gigantic LOZ Trailer!

Saturday, October 21, 2006
This trailer is basically a huge culmination of all the Twilight Princess Trailers so far! A must see, even if you've followed this game from the start!

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Wii Madden! A Video Commercial/Thing!

Thursday, October 19, 2006
This video rocks at explaining how incredibly fun and active the new Wii Madden game is. There will also be all new features to the series included in-game, and of course, the motion censoring is used well. Also confirmed are new multiplayer mini-games exclusive to the Wii.

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Rubik's Cube Blindfolded Solve In 2:18.58 Minutes

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Wow, this guy is amazing. This is gaming to the max! If only I was this good at MKDS.... Oh well. You need to see this movie, it is amazing, that is all there is to it.

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Yar's Revenge, A TV Commercial!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
This is the original commercial for the 1980s Atari game "Yar's Revenge." Pretty funny. The Paraphrase under Atari is "Video Computer Game," which I think is kind of outdated and funny.

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Launching Memories

This article goes in-depth into the world of the last console generation's release, specifically Ps2 and the Gamecube. It tallks about what happened there, and what very well may happen soon. With just a short time before the next-gen, it is important to remember the past! Take a look!

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Secret Song In Nintendo Games!

Monday, October 16, 2006
A secret song that is in most Nintendo games! Incredible! This is a very cool movie. I didn't even realize this.

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Video Of Developement for the Wii!

Sunday, October 15, 2006
This shows how even developing for the Wii will be fun! This guy doesn't look bored, and he definetly doesn't look like he's programming. Wow, what a cool video! Take a look!

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A Wikipedia List of Monompoly Games!

An incomplete wikipedia list of all the monopoly games, wow, there sure are a lot of them. Also, no one can complain that it doesn't have pictures for EVERY single one. It's wikipedia, people, get out there and find the pictures yourselves! That is what is sooo great about wikipedia. We make it. Pretty cool how many there are, take a look!

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Top 10 Worst Ways To Die In Video Games!

Saturday, October 14, 2006
This is a hilarious video about the worst ways to die in video games. The number one pick is actually one of the only ones I agree with, see for yourself. If you want, you can reply with some of the deaths that you think they missed on their countdown.

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Legend of Zelda Hyrule Temple Theme

Friday, October 13, 2006
An incredible piano rendition of The Hyrule Temple Theme from LOZ2: Adventure of Link. Seriously, though, this guy is REALLY good! Check out the vid! Thanks to Ten Speed for his submission!

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Super Smash Bros. In-Depth Video

This is a video about this high school and how SSB affected their school. Pretty funny, if not a bit sad. There is a tournament included, so watch this video!

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Funny Rejected Wii Games Video!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
A hilarious must-view video about rejected games for the Wii. This video contains ONE bad word, just so the faint of heart can know, but it is really funny, so watch it NOW!

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1988 Video Game News Report About Nintendo

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
An amazing look back at Nintendo's history, and get this, it happened in 1988! You might say that Nintendo didn't have much of a story then, but just watch this video, there is plenty to talk about.

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Tetris Stop-Motion Movie

Monday, October 09, 2006
A tetris claymation-esque movie featuring sugar cubes. Hilarious. The begining may be pretty slow moving, but it picks up fast. The end is just great.

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What's With The PS3?

This site tells you a bunch of facts about the PS3. Such as: what it comes with, what it cost, when it comes out, and others. I think that after so much Wii hype, we should be able to look at, and maybe even consider buying the competition. :)

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Friday the 13th (NES) Video Review!

Sunday, October 08, 2006
This video is really hilarious. It's a video review of Friday the 13th for the NES. The game looks to be even worse than Superman 64, at least it had lush graphics.

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All Copies of Pokemon D/P Sold In a Matter of Hours!

The title sais it all. In just a short time, exactly 2,000,000 copies of the games collectively werre sold in Japan. Check this article out to learn others opinions and other facts.

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Nintendo Controller T-Shirts!

Thursday, October 05, 2006
Check out this wonderful t-shirt that shows how far Nintendo has come in the field of controllaersm, from Nintendo's first D-Pad to the current Wiimote. It's available for pre-order now from Splitreason.com for $17.95.

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New Wii Game Announced!

Yet another game is anounced for the Wii, and this one looks promising. Codemasters has announced that their new dogfighting sim, Heatseekers, will be coming to the Wii (and other major gaming systems) in March of 2007. This game looks awesome! Almost like a Battlefield game.

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Game Themes On Accordian

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I only wish I was this good with my accordian! This guy plays a bunch of great songs, and well too! I thought that his Tetris theme was the best, he is so fast! Just look at those fingers!

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Pokemon D/P Sales Hit 1 Million!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl's Sales have reached about 1,500,000 collectively. Some are even calling them the best Pokemon games ever! One can barely wait for these titles to hit Western Shores!

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Free Okiwi DS Internet Browser! (Homebrew)

Monday, October 02, 2006
A DS Gamer that was upset about the Opera Browser's many downfalls is hard at work on a free internet browser that will support Javascript, PDF, and more. Can't wait to get my hands on one of these!

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A "Mii Creator" Flash Application!!

The Mii feature of the Wii. It is a built-in feature that lets you create a simple model of your face's features for use in Warioware or Wii Sports. This is a flash application that helps you make your own Mii, before you get your Wii!

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Top 10 ways Digg.com and Apple are better than Microsoft.

Since we use Digg.com to search and help post news stories on a daily basic, I figured I would show a link to this article here.


The article basically points out that certain things are recieve more attention at Digg.com. If your a Digg user, I suggest you check out this link. It will really make you think about what you are digging and why you digg it.

Incredible New Wii Video!

Sunday, October 01, 2006
A brand new compilation of clips from Wii games, featuring titles such as Super Mario Galaxy, Excite Truck, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess but also some never-before-seen games! I could go on and on about this video for forever. You'll end up watching it 11 times!

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