Nintendo gaming. Today, tomorrow, and into the future.
Legend of Zelda oragami.
Make your favorite Zelda character out of paper. These look amazing. If any of you BDCers try this one, be sure to send me a picture of your final product.
Where can I get paper to try it out? Looks very comlicated but I'm willing to try. I would love to have instructions for sheik b/c Sheik is obviously my favorite
Where can I get paper to try it out? Looks very comlicated but I'm willing to try. I would love to have instructions for sheik b/c Sheik is obviously my favorite
10:05 AM
Wow! If I were to attempt this...that's a LOT of paper I'd be going through =P
I bet my sisters' could get that made possibly...
9:28 PM
i wiwsh i could do origami =D
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